Sunday, 13 May 2012

Maharishi Bhrigu curses Lord Brahma and Lord Siva

Maharishi Bhrigu tests Lord Brahma 

In Satyaloka, Brahma and Saraswati were seated in a Golden Throne. The Maharishis, Devarishis, Rajarishis and Brahmarishis were present. And on the opposite side, the Suras, Yakshas, Garuda, Gandharva, Kinnara and Kimpurushas were also present. Lord Brahma and those who were present were discussing about the Vedas.

Maharishis Brighu, who arrives into Satyaloka glances at the audience and occupies the throne without saluting Lord Brahma. Brahma could not tolerate the behavior of Brighu and goes wild. The Lord who was very angry and his eyes reddened, bursts out: “Bhrigu, you belong to the same race as I belong, you have acquired many powers because of your great penances, I never expected that you will behave like this. Do you think that you are greater than any of the Maharishis here? Are you greater than “Anasuya” a chaste woman who converted the Trimurtis into babies? Are you greater than Gautama, who cursed Devendra? Are you more powerful than Jamadagni?

Facing Lord Brahma’s anger, Bhrigu comes to conclusion that “Only those with “Raja Guna” should posses such a temperament, Lord Brahma is not fit for the Yagna gift.  Bhrigu curses Brahma saying that “Oh Lord Brahma, you never tried to understand why I have come here. Instead you angered me with your harsh words. You hold my curse: “You will not have any temple on earth and no one will worship you.”

Maharishi Bhrigu Curses Lord Siva 

The disciples of Lord Siva “Nandeeshwara, Bringeeswara, Chandeeswara, along with other disciples were absorbed in chanting the name of ‘Siva’ in the Silver Mountain of Kailash – The Abode of Lord Siva. Maharishi Bhrigu who reaches Mount Kailash, directly enters Lord Siva’s private room without heeding to the guards warning. Lord Siva who was with his wife Goddess Parvati, on seeing Bhrigu becomes angry. He says to Bhrigu “you are the learned man, who know the Vedas. By great penance you have acquired great powers, yet you do not have manners. It is shame on your part. Angry Lord Siva aims this trishul towards Bhrigu.

Maharishi Bhrigu turns angry and says to Lord Siva: Siva, without trying to understand why I have come here, you aimed your trishul towards me. I curse you that “you will be worshipped in the temples only in the shape of ‘Linga’ and not in your real shape.” Thus cursing Lord Siva, Bhrigu leaves to Vaikuntam.

Maharishi Bhrigu in turn gets angry at Lord Siva and says: Lord Siva, even without knowing the reason for me coming here, you aimed your trishul at me. I curse you that “You will be worshipped in the temples on earth only in the shape of “Linga” and not in your real shape.”

Chapter - 1, 2


  1. If Brugu really cursed brahma and Shankara. 2 things to notice
    1. From kruthayugam there is no temple for brahma in india. Only Lord

    Lord Shiva was angry with Brahma for making a false claim that he saw the

    adhi of SHiva lingam while Vishnu openly agreed that he cannot see the

    anthima baga of lord shiva linga.Lord Shiva cursed Brahma that no one

    would ever pray to him. (This legend explains why there is hardly any

    Brahma temple of significance in India.) Lord Shiva also punished the

    Ketaki flower for testifying falsely and banned her from being used as an

    offering for any worship.
    2. From krutha yuga itself our mahrarshi (Vishnu worshiped Shiva

    linga,vasista, Augusthaya etc and brahma manasa putras started

    worshiping lord shiva in the form of linga
    How come brugu cursed in Dwapara yuga.

  2. Puranas are for welfare of all by learning and following by humans.We have to look all contents in Puranas so.

  3. Vedas,upanishads, puranas etc are for the humans of world.A day will come when the people of World will see the reality of truth in them

  4. Lord Siva is the whole of Mass in Universe. The energy is the inherent energy of mass.The constancy of truth and the passage of events causing time are of the mass and energy.
