Wednesday, 2 May 2012

The Story of Lord Venkateswara

The Story of Lord Venkateswara

In a dense forest called Naimikaranyam which is in Bharath (India), Sownaka and other sages lived and spent their time doing penance. Sootha Maharishi was explaining Sownaka and other sages the ‘Eighteen Puranas’ written by his guru ‘Vyasa Maharishi’. While hearing the Puranas in great devotion, the sages also wished to hear the story of ‘Sri Lord Venkateswara’ from their guru Sootha Maharishi for which the ‘Rishi’ agreed with great pleasure. 

Sootha Maharishi narrates the story of Lord Venkateswara 

The great Rishi prays to his guru Veda Vyasa (Vyasa Maharishi) before he starts to narrate the story of Lord Venkateswara to his disciples.

"Sootha Maharishi to his devotees"

 “Lord Venkateshwara, an incarnation of Maha Vishnu” was born in this earth as a savior to help and protect the mankind. Lord Venkateswara is a God who is visible “Prathyaksha Daivam” is always ready to answer the calls of his devotees (His Baktha’s). In all times and circumstances, the Lord aids his devotees when they are in difficult situation. The story of Lord Venkateswara is very sacred and you are fortunate to hear his story. Those who have heard or hear Lord Venkateswara’s story devotedly and visit his shrine to have his darshan will be devoid of rebirth and attain Mukthi. 

Narada meets Lord Brahma in Sathya Loka 

Narada is the son of Lord Brahma who is a ‘God of Creation’ and lives in Satya Loka. Narada is a great devotee of Lord Narayana and will always be chanting the name of Narayana. He will have a free access to all “Fourteen Lokas” and will be moving from one loka to another with some sensational news which will lead to troubled situation between the great Gods, Deva, Asuras and the Sages. For this reason, Narada is popularly known as “Kalahapriya”.  No doubt, the troubled situation will end up in ‘Universal Good’ and which ultimately aids in the maintenance of Dharma.

In Satya Loka, Brahma, Saraswati, Indira, Dikpalasa, Surya Baghwan (Sun God), Navagrahas (nine planets), Saptha Rishis and others are present. Lord Brahma is seated in his Lotus Seat with his consort “Saraswati”. The other Gods are present to have darshan and advice of Lord Brahma. Lord Narada enters the Satya Loka chanting the ‘hymns of Narayana’. He takes the blessings of his parents Lord Brahma and Saraswati. The gods who were present there were sure that Narada will convey news which may cause trouble.

Narada to his father Lord Brahma: Dear father, after Krishna Avatar, Lord Hari have not visited Bhooloka which has now become a hell for innocents. There is no law and the innocents are tortured by the wicked.  “Might is Right” has become the order of the day. The wicked are now fearless, the time has come for the God to appear again on Earth and restore dharma (peace).

Lord Brahma to his son Narada: Dear son, you are in all Loka’s and you know everything. By mere thought of it, you can create a problem and solve it also. I have nothing to teach you. Why do you want to consult me? Please go ahead and do whatever is necessary, let the success be with you. Narada proceeds to Bhooloka.

The Yagna Effect 

In Boolokha, chanting the name of Lord Hari, Narada reaches the banks of river Ganges where sage Kasyapa and other sages were performing a grand ‘Yagna’ for the ‘Universal Good’. The sages receive Lord Narada with great respect and discuss about the grand Yagna they are performing.

Appreciating the sages for perform the grand Yagna for universal good, Narada questions sages that “Who will bear the Yagna Effect? Who among the Trimurti’s you all consider are suitable? This tricky question puts the sages into dilemma and they look each other with confusion. The sages were divided on this issue and formed groups. 

The devotees of Lord Siva argued that the Yagna Effect should go to Maheshwara and the Vaishnavaites argued that Lord Narayana should receive it. Other sages preferred Lord Brahma, the creator of this Universe. While the sages were arguing in favor for their Lord, the Yagna yard had become a battle field.

During the argument, Narada explain to the sages that “You will have to select the fittest by putting the Trimurti’s into test which is a difficult task and is like playing with the fire.”

Narada advises the sages to seek Maharishi Bhrigu’s help who has secured super human powers by his great penance. The Sages agreed and were rejoiced over his suggestion. Meanwhile, Bhrigu with no other option had to agree for this tough job. 

Narada wanted to teach a lesson to Maharishi Bhrigu who was very haughty because of his super human powers and finally succeeded in his plan. Narada left cheerfully once Bhrigu set on his job.  

End of Chapter 1
Chapter 2 

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